How to buy a home  


Looking for a home? Where should you begin? Home buying can be an over whelming task. Think about any changes in your life during the foreseeable future. Will there be changes in your family size or with your vocation? What are your requirements for the home?

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Why use a Real Estate buyer agent?

In short, the reason is to get you a better deal than you would have gotten without one. It's really as simple as that! This means money, but it also means having the services of an expert who can find you the home you want, come to agreement with the home seller at terms favorable to you, and see that the home sale actually closes.

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Quilting Business Start Your Own

Maybe you would just like to make some extra money each month. Maybe you are miserable with your full time job and want to replace it with one you actually enjoy. No matter what your reason for considering, it, this is a great time to start a quilting business of your own. Necessity made me start my quilting business. When the State of California downsized, I lost my job. I wasn't thrilled with the job anyway, but it paid the bills.

So, with my kids grown and in college, I decided to look at the setback as an opportunity. I knew I loved quilting, so I explored starting a quilting business. That was in 2004. It's been a whirlwind of learning and success ever since! If you have been thinking of starting a quilting business but are afraid that today's economy will not support it, think again. Think about your own economy rather than the country's. If you could stand to have some extra money, start a quilting business to earn some.

Remember, even in bad economic times, there are people who are virtually unaffected by the times. And, depending on the quilting business you choose, the economy might help your business. For example, if you are a quilter who ha s lots of remnants or fabrics you just haven't used, why not sell those to other quilters? If you offer them at a discounted price, you create a win-win situation. You make money from your quilting business, and quilters save money by buying from you.

Statistics show that even though quilters prefer buying supplies from retail stores and quilt shows, the number of quilters shopping for supplies and services online has grown. In 2003, only 17 percent of quilters said they bought more than half their supplies online or through mail order. Just three years later, that percentage had jumped to 20 percent.

The 2006 survey shows statistics for quilters who bought more than half their supplies online. That survey doesn't even explore how many quilters bought less than half their supplies via the world wide web. I'm sure that number is much larger!! There are many ways you could choose to start a quilting business - thanks to high speed internet.

High speed internet allows users to download files more quickly and safely than dial-up connections. This means that if your quilting business involves selling patterns, your customers could buy the pattern and download it right away. No shipping and handling charges (or extra work for you) since the pattern won't have to be mailed! More quilters surveyed reported having high speed internet access. In 2006, 73 percent of quilters surveyed had high speed internet access. In 2003, only 62 percent reported high speed access. Another good thing about starting a quilting business online is that your business will be truly global.

Quilting is not just an American hobby. Quilting supplies and services offered through online quilting businesses reach much farther than the United State's slumping economy. Don't let a nation's economic woes create a slump for you or your quilting business! Internet businesses are great for a quilting business because the owner can dodge the expenses associated with renting or leasing store space, an added utility bill, etc. When you work from home, you are already paying those house expenses. Plus, you won't feel the pressure to "sink or swim" that a retail storefront carries with it! If you do decide that an internet quilting business is the way to go, keep track of your home expenses.

If you dedicate a certain area of your home to your quilting business, chances are that you can deduct some of those come tax time.

Penny Halgren is a quilter of 27 years who enjoys sharing her knowledge of quilting with those who would like to learn how to quilt. Sign up for a free newsletter, quilting tips and quilt block patterns at

Home Buying Guide

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Design and Simplicity of Prefab Fireplaces - Prefab fireplaces have become more popular in recent years as people look for great fireplaces without the expense and time of having a traditional on-site fireplace being built.

Christmas Discover Little Known Secrets of Christmas Related to An Amazing Ancient World - Magic mushroom consumption, flying reindeer and an evergreen tree that touches the largest star in the sky have associations in the pre-Christian ancient world which bare resemblances to some of our modern-day Christmas symbols.

Satellite TV Is Crowned King - Satellite is knocking cable out of the box.

Composite Decking and Cedar Siding Value and Appearance - Read our tips and advice on decking, siding, trim, railing and millwork products.

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